Friday 26 March 2021 

 listening practice

Reduce, reuse, recycle

 listening practice.

 listening practice.

What should we do to protect the environment?

Environment verbs

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle comprehension

Listening environment project

Wednesday 10 March 2021




1. Complete the sentences with CAN, COULD, BE ABLE TO. (Attention to  tenses)

1. I'm sorry, but we ____________ go to your party next Saturday.

2. She got the job because she ____________ speak five languages.

3. You are speaking very quietly. I ____________ hear you.

4. I was tired but I ____________ leave until the meeting finished.

5. He ____________ go to the concert next Saturday. He is working.

6. She ____________ understand me in spite of the noise around.

7. I'll ____________ see you tomorrow.

8. When they came back from Paris, they ____________ speak perfect French.

9. After a few hours, I ____________ open the door and go out.

10. I've never ____________ understand maths.

2. Write in English.

1. ¿Puedo hablar con usted un momento?

2. Ayer no pude poner en marcha el coche.

3. Cuando tenía seis años, sabía patinar muy bien.

4. Consiguió escapar del incendio en el último minuto.

5. Saber hablar inglés es fundamental en estos tiempos.

3. Rewrite these sentences using the modals or semi-modals in brackets.

1. It is against the law to drive without a licence. (mustn’t)

2. Perhaps Sarah lends Simon some money. (may)

3. It is sometimes very hot here in the summer. (can)

4. Would you like me to bring you some magazines? (shall)

5. It isn't necessary to be over 18 to get married. (needn’t)

4. Rewrite these sentences so that they have the same meaning.

1. You may not smoke in this classroom. You …………….

2. Perhaps he comes to the party. He .................

3. You can come but it isn't necessary. You ..........

4. He wasn't able to lift the piano. He ......................

5. She isn't allowed to enter the room. She .................


1. Complete the sentences with CAN, COULD, BE ABLE TO.

1. won’t be able to

2. could / can

3. can’t

4. couldn’t

5. won’t be able to

6. could

7. be able to

8. could / were able to

9. was able to

10. been able to

2. Write in English.

1. Could I talk to you for a minute?

2. Yesterday I couldn’t start the car.

3. When I was six, I could skate very well.

4. He was able to escape from the fire in the last minute.

5. Being able to speak English is essential nowadays.

3. Rewrite these sentences using the modals or semi-modals in brackets.

1. You mustn’t drive without a license.

2. Sarah may lend Simon some money.

3. It can be very hot here in the summer.

4. Shall we bring you some magazines?

5. You needn’t be over 18 to get married.

4. Rewrite these sentences so that they have the same meaning.

1. You are not allowed to / cannot smoke in this classroom.

2. He may come to the party.

3. You needn’t come.

4. He couldn’t lift the piano.

5. She cannot / may not enter the room.

REPHRASING (“para entregar”)

1. Rewrite these sentences using the modals or semi-modals in brackets.

1. It is important for me to pass the exam. (must)

2. It will not be necessary for you to come tomorrow. (have to)

3. Perhaps it will rain tonight. (may)

4. It is against the law to drive without a seat belt. (mustn’t)

5. There's a small possibility that he comes on a motorbike. (might)

2. Rewrite these sentences so that they have the same meaning.

1. Do you know how to drive a lorry? ......................

2. I don't believe you are a policeman. You ..................

3. He ought to study more. He ..........

4. I'm almost sure he is French. He ....................

5. I suggest you get a second opinion. You ...........................

3. Write in English.

1. Antonio no tiene que levantarse a las seis de la mañana.

2. Tengo que ir al médico esta tarde.

3. ¿Tendrás que trabajar el sábado por la tarde?

4. Patricia no tuvo que esperar mucho el autobús.

5. El dinero tiene que estar aquí.






La diferencia entre MUST y HAVE TO en inglés 🙄 | Gramática inglesa

La forma más fácil de aprender MODAL VERBS, part 1

Modals, Modal Verbs, Types of Modal Verbs: Useful List & Examples | Engl...


Tuesday 9 March 2021
